{ "feature": { "attributes": { "objectid": 4923, "rk": 1, "ufi": -153958, "uni": -238102, "lat_dd": 47.833333000000003, "long_dd": -125.5, "efctv_dt": null, "term_dt_f": null, "term_dt_n": null, "dialect_cd": null, "desig_cd": "CNYU", "fc": "U", "cc_ft": "QUF", "adm1": "QP-000", "ft_link": null, "full_name": "Fraser Canyon", "nt": "V", "name_rank": null, "lang_cd": null, "transl_cd": null, "script_cd": null, "name_link": null, "cc_nm": null, "generic": null, "full_nm_nd": "Fraser Canyon", "sort_gen": null, "sort_name": "FRASERCANYON", "lat_dms": "47:50:00", "long_dms": "-125:30:00", "mgrs": "10TCU1291700802", "mod_dt_ft": 1086048000000, "mod_dt_nm": 1085616000000, "display": "1,2,3,4,5", "gis_notes": "1: An undersea canyon in the North Pacific Ocean named in association with the Strait of Juan de Fuca; located 30 n.m. southwest of Cape Flattery, WA; trends southwestward for 30 miles", "all_names": "N:1:JUANDEFUCACANYON;||V:999:JUANDEFUCASUBMARINECANYON;||V:999:FRASERCANYON;", "globalid_org": "{3A3B57C4-AA91-4A36-88C2-AC11E235F4E1}" }, "geometry": { "x": -125.49999999999994, "y": 47.833333000000039 } } }