ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Feature (ID: 4527407)

objectid: 4527407
rk: 3
ufi: -779554
uni: -1122764
lat_dd: 31.5
long_dd: 35.5
efctv_dt: null
term_dt_f: null
term_dt_n: null
dialect_cd: null
desig_cd: LK
fc: H
cc_ft: ISR,JOR,XWB
adm1: S1-000
ft_link: null
full_name: The Salt Sea
nt: V
name_rank: null
lang_cd: null
transl_cd: null
script_cd: null
name_link: null
cc_nm: null
generic: null
full_nm_nd: The Salt Sea
sort_gen: null
sort_name: THESALTSEA
lat_dms: 31:30:00
long_dms: 35:30:00
mgrs: 36RYV3744587724
mod_dt_ft: 1470787200000
mod_dt_nm: 1506038400000
display: 1,2,3,4,5
gis_notes: null
globalid_org: {49C8AAB8-085A-4EC8-A614-063A650412CF}
X: 35.50000000000006
Y: 31.500000000000057

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