Last Database Update mm/dd/yy
Geographic Names Server
Next Database Update mm/dd/yy
Current GNS Count:
Features and
GNS is current to GENC Standard Ed
GNS Tools
Geographic Names Search Application
Searchable GNS Codes
Generic Term Glossary
Soft-Copy Keyboards
GeoNames Soft-Copy Keyboard: Web Version
The browser-based web keyboard tool can be accessed from here, or from within the Geographic Names Search application. It can be used to construct a name or term from a combination of regular characters and these specialized characters, which can then be copied and pasted as needed (or dragged directly into the Geographic Names Search application query filter inputs).
GeoNames Soft-Copy Keyboard: Windows Version
The Windows Presentation Foundation-based keyboard tool can be downloaded and used on Windows systems. It features a ”live” auto-paste functionality to populate clicked characters to the active window or application. This release of the keyboard runs on the Microsoft Windows platform and requires Microsoft.NET Framework v4.5.
Pre-positioned Downloadable Country Files
REST/JSON Services
Web Map Services (WMS) - 1.3.0 and 1.1.0 compliant
Scaled WMS by Feature Classification
View the Feature Classification definitions here.
Web Feature Services (WFS) - 2.0.0 and 1.1.0 compliant
WFS Test Page
Provides sample calls and resulting output
KML Streaming Service
Contacts -
GNS Support
Commercial: (571) 557-5959
DSN 547-5959
Advisory Committee on
Undersea Features (ACUF)